What could I be talking about? It's quite simple. Have you ever judged someone? Have you ever formed an opinion about someone before you ever spoke a word to them? You looked at their clothes or what kind of car they drive and decide what kind of person they must be.
Or maybe you have done what I did, maybe you saw a house that wasn't kept up, the yard was cluttered with stuff and the car in the driveway was old and starting to fall apart. So you formed an opinion that the people that lived there were dirty or they were the kind of people that were scary, kind of shady.
That happened to me this weekend. I judged the people that were having a yard sale. I'm emberassed that I even have this story to share with you, but I do and maybe you can learn the same lesson I did without having to do the judging.
We pulled up to the house and it was very rundown. There was mold growing on the siding and rubbermaid containers outside full of water. All kinds of stuff all over the yard and an almost broken down car in the driveway. I made a comment to my husband about being nervous going to the backyard for the sale (I won't repeat my actual comment because I would rather try and forget what it was). As we turned the corner of the house I saw her.